How to Make Kabayaki Sauce :
Sajikan dengan nasi hangat, lalapan dan sambal. Kali ini aku pakai sambal kecap. Resepnya hanya mencampur irisan cabai bawang merah, kecap, sedikit penyedap rasa ayam, dan perasan jeruk nipis.
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Sanma Kabayaki Recipe:
Bahan Ikan Bakar Teflon
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Baca Juga: 7 Resep Bumbu Ikan Bakar Paling Enak untuk Tahun Baru
Gimana, ternyata membuat ikan bakar teflon sangatlah mudah dan praktis, bukan? Kalau resepnya sesimpel ini, pemula dan anak kos juga bisa ikutan masak, nih!
Baca Juga: 10 Tips Membuat Ikan Fillet Bakar yang Matang Merata dan Gak Hancur, Jakarta Untuk membuat ikan bakar yang sedap, kunci pentingnya ada pada bumbu oles yang dipakai. Berikut ini bumbu oles yang bisa langsung dibuat untuk menikmati ikan bakar yang sedap. Langsung saja simak resepnya di bawah ini.
1. Ulek semua bahan bumbu halus.
2. Panaskan margarin. Masukkan bumbu halus. Tumis hingga harum.
3. Tambahkan kecap manis. Aduk. Koreksi rasa.
4. Matikan api. Masukkan serai dan air jeruk nipis. Bumbu oles siap digunakan.
Sanma Kabayaki Recipe: Grilled Pacific Saury or Pike Mackarel with Sweetened Soy Sauce
Sanma Kabayaki Recipe i quite easy to follow in your kitchen. Sanma is a Japanese name of pike mackerel or pacific saury fish, while Kabayaki is a sweetened soy sauce mixture that usually use for grilling unagi or Japanese freshwater eel. Sanma kabayaki is a preparation of grilled sanma fish that splited down in the the back or in the belly, gutted and boned, butterflied, filletted, skewered, dipped in the kabayaki sauce before being broiled on a grilled. Sanma kabayaki is a very special seasonal dish, but thanks God there’s such a frozen section in supermarket that save the vaccum packed frozen sanma fish through all the years. Sanma fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, a “good fats” that clinically proven to prevent heart an coronary disease. Nutritional fact in 100 gr Sanma (dry heat cooked, grilled/baked) contains 1400 mg DHA, while in the same amount of grilled farmed atlantic salmon contains about 1500 mg DHA. Sanma is the best option for baby food for brain and nerve tissues development. Sanma fish it’s much more cheaper than regular salmon while the DHA is slighly lower than the salmon. Sanma fish is a very good choice for feeding the adolesences and toddlers.
Japanese Style Grilled Sanma Kabayaki
Homemade Kabayaki Sauce is usually contain 3 parts light soy sauce, 1 part mirin, 1 part sake, and 2 parts white caster sugar by volume. This is the basic kabayaki sauce recipe and the ratio used to be different for each licking, beside, whole cloves garlic, cinnamon, star anise and sliced ginger added when the kabayaki sauce is simmerred until thickened into half amount. You can purchased a quite pricey ready to use store brought kabayaki sauce that usually using molases instead of sugar as a swetened agent, this made the store brought kabayaki sauce is not easily burn during the grilling process. That’s why it’s better be using molases on kabayaki sauce instead of sugar. Kabayaki sauce is not only suits for grilling fish, but also for chicken fillet, shrimp or squid.
Homemade Sanma Kabayaki Recipe
Homemade sanma kabayaki recipe usually refers to a braised sanma in kabayaki-style soy sauce instead of broiled or grilled. The Sanma fillet is dipped in a cornstarch flour and then pan fried until the outside got a nice golden brown and crusted layer. Right after the pan is cleaned from the rest of the pan frying, the kabayaki style soy sauce is boiled and then the fried sanma fillet is dipped into the sauce and then simmerred until the sauce is thicken. Braised sanma kabayaki losen the smokey flavour, a keys of enjoying a delicious fatty sanma fish. The sauce is usually too thicken for my licking, it’s due to the dissolved corn starch for pan frying the sanma fillet in the kabayaki sauce. That’s why i choose the oven broiled sanma kabayaki or oven grilled sanma kabayaki, i love it even more if the barbeque charcoal grill is available, unfortunately the densely populated area surrounded my sister’s residence in Jakarta won’t made it possible to make smoke without a complain.
Oven Broiled Sanma Kabayaki Recipe
Grilling sanma kabayaki should not be rushed, take your time, brush as often as you like with the sauce, but since i use oven to broil the sanma kabayaki, i applied the sauce twice for every 5 minutes. I like to do it several times on the flesh side to make sure the skin is nice and crispy and plenty of the fat has rendered off if i using the berbeque grill. Just before serving, glaze the flesh with the sauce as a final lacquering before cutting into bite sized pieces. That’s it, i told you it was easy. Just serve over a mound of tender Japanese rice and drizzled it with remaing kabayaki sauce over it. Some fancy Japanese restaurant even used to served the grillled sanma kabayaki with a tiny charcoal grill pot in your table to make you easy to slightly heated it before you pop it into your mouth. I love sanma fish all the way, i like to Grilled Sanma Fish in Banana Leaf and served it with Spicy Chili & Miso Sauce.
Sanma Kabayaki Recipe
Resep Ikan Bakar Kecap
Ikan bakar dengan bumbu sederhana yang gurih dan lezat ini, menjadi favorit para penikmat hidangan laut saat berkunjung ke restoran seafood.
Lumuri ikan dengan jeruk nipis dan garam. Diamkan selama 5 menit.
Lumuri ikan dengan bumbu hingga rata.
Bakar ikan di atas grill pan atau bara api hingga matang sambil diolesi sisa bumbu sesekali. Angkat. Sajikan segera dengan pelengkap.
Ganti air jeruk nipis dengan air lemon cui atau air jeruk purut untuk memberi aroma yang berbeda.
Seberapa endeus resep ini
IKAN mengandung gizi yang tinggi dan bermanfaat bagi tubuh, olahan ikan juga kerap divariasikan hingga hasilnya lezat dan menggugah selera. Seperti resep olahan ikan tongkol bakar
Dikutip dari buku berjudul 24 Resep Praktis Masakan Ikan yang ditulis oleh Nining Prikasih, berikut resep ikan yang bisa Anda coba di rumah, Senin (18/5/2015).
1 ekor ikan tongkol besar, lumuri 1 sdm garam dan air jeruk nipis
Bumbu bakar (campurkan)
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
4 ruas jari jahe, haluskan
1. Bakar ikan tongkol hingga setengah matang, olesi dengan minyak kemudian bakar lagi hingga matang;
2. Oleskan ikan tongkol dengan bumbu bakar hingga rata ke seluruh bagian ikan. Bakar kembali ikan sambil dibolak-balik dan sesekali diolesi bumbu;
3. Apabila sudah matang, olesi dengan minyak goreng. Angkat dan sajikan.
Tips : Dapat pula disajikan dengan sambal dabu-dabu.
Kata siapa memasak ikan bakar harus menggunakan alat panggang khusus? Sebenarnya, kamu bisa memasak olahan ikan yang satu ini dengan teflon antilengket. Ikannya pun bisa disesuaikan dengan stok yang ada, seperti ikan gurame atau ikan bawal.
Resep ini menggunakan bumbu kecap sebagai bumbu olesan. Jika kamu suka pedas, kamu bisa menambahkan irisan cabai rawit pada olesan atau membuat sambal terpisah untuk cocolan. Intip resep ikan bakar teflon di bawah ini, yuk!
Homemade Kabayaki Sauce Recipe:
How to Make Sanma Kabayaki:
Butterflied Sanma Fish Fillet
Oven Broiled Sanma Kabayaki